
Created: 2/3/2009
Highest Rated:

Created: 8/31/2002
Second Highest Rated:

Orion Keys
Created: 12/22/2002
Welcome to Nightscape Creations. My name is Nicholas Bostaph, and I'll
be your host through the myriad of worlds rendered within this site. Inside you will find a variety of landscapes and scenes that can
be used as desktop wallpapers. A few scenes also are done as animation sequences that you can use as a screen saver. Also, almost any scene you
like can be ordered as a full-size poster, T-shirt, mug, mousepad, or a number of other things.
So sit back, relax, and enjoy my galleries...
If you end up liking what I've done, or have any suggestions/requests,
use the 'contact' link to e-mail me. I love to hear input on my creations. Also, I'm always looking to get more
visitors to the site. I really enjoy making these images, and I want others to enjoy viewing them. So if you could send your friends
or co-workers over, or post a link on your site, I'd really appreciate it.
I provide this site free of charge, and pay the costs myself. If you'd like
to know how you can help, please use one of the shopping links or visit a sponsor using the banners at the top and bottom of every page.
Recent News:
Uploaded a new image, Liberty Park, today. I was really happy with this one and enjoyed making it. Please take a moment to comment and let me know what you think.
Random Nature Image:

Moonrise Tropica
Random Space Image:

Imminent Collision
Random Fantasy Image:

Sacred Tree Eclipse