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Perfect View
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Well, it's been a long time. I finally had some free time between my two jobs, and decided I would like to try doing artwork again. Technology has moved along quickly without me, and Bryce has been all but abandoned. The new version barely fixes a few flaws with the old one from a decade ago, and I decided it was finally time to move on to something new. So this is my first creation with a new software I've found that I'm very happy with: Vue.

Trying to think of something good to use as a subject for my first image back, I thought about a dream I had several years ago where I was driving downhill on an unknown road, then came around a corner and found an open plot of land, a few acres, for sale on the right side of the road. It was perfectly flat and I realized that I was on my way down a mountain because the view beyond that land was breathtaking. I tried to recreate that view here. As with every other time I've tried to capture the grandeure in that dream I feel like I've failed, but was somewhat happy with the image itself. So here it is.

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