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Moonrise Tropica
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A little while ago Dave Yeakle from Omnitek Designs created a new image called "Moonrise" (I think). It was a pretty cool image...and darn annoying because I had thought about doing one just like it =P. Anyway, to keep from seeming unoriginal I abandon the idea.

Then, a few weeks later, Jeff Quick from Moodflow came out with a new image. I emailed him first chance I got to ask if he had seen Daves image...because they were almost the exact same concept. He hadn't seen it, otherwise he said he wouldn't of tried doing one like that. That was fun...I got a great chance to pick on him about it.

Anyway, with both of them having created one, I decided to revisit the idea and try one of my own. I thought it might be neat to see how our personal creativity and techniques created 3 totally seperate images. Mine actually took a turn and brought the image from out at sea in towards the land...and gave it a tropical twist. It's the same idea though.

So that's the long story behind this image. If you get a chance, check out Dave's and Jeff's. Both are really sweet images. I'm not sure if they have them in their free or paid galleries, but check up on them if you get a chance.

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Adil Ansari @
6/4/2007 12:56 PM
Nature's wallpaper
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